Combining D3 and Raphael to make a network graph

During the past week I have been working on a visualization for Sveriges Radio about Melodifestivalen, the Swedish qualification for the Eurovision Song Contest.

Every year there is a HUGE fuzz about this show over here in Sweden. I wanted to explore the songwriters in the competition from a dataist perspective. Who are the guys behind the scene?

If you follow Melodifestivalen a few years you will notice how many names occur year after year. By linking every songwriter to the years when they contributed I came up with this network graph.

In making this graph I managed to draw several quite interesting conclusions, for example that there are by far more men than women among the songwriters. And that there is a small elite of songwriters that does particularly well in the competition almost every year.

But this is not what I wanted to blog about today, but rather about the making of this visualization.


I have really come to like the Raphael.js library, but unfortunately it does not provide the same robust support for advanced data visualizations (for example network graphs) as its big brother D3.js. D3 on the other hand lacks Raphael’s broad browser compability, which is important when you are working with a public broadcaster like Sveriges Radio. So what if you could combine the two?

D3 has a really powerful library for making network graphs, or force-directed layouts. I used this library to make the foundation for the graph (take a look at the draft here). I won’t go into details about the code. The bulk is borrowed from this Stack Overflow thread.

The problem with force-directed layouts in D3 is that they quickly tend to become very burdensome for the browser. The user will have to wait for the graph to equilibrate. And that can take some time if you have 100+ nodes. But since I in this case only needed  a static layout I might as well have the computer do all those calculations in advance.

This is the idea: Raphael doesn’t have a built-in way to draw force-directed layouts, instead I take the svg-output from D3 and continue building my visualization (interactivity etc.) on top of that in Raphael. In brief, this is how I went about:

  • I started by copying the svg code from in Firebug (inspect the element and click Copy SVG) and pasted it into an empty document and saved it as an xml-file.
  • Iterated the nodes (circles) in the file and extracted the coordinates (cx,cy). I did this in Ruby using the Hpricot gem.
  • Saved the coordinates and the radius as Javascript objects: id:{ cx: 12.34, cy: 43.21, r: 5}
  • Here is the simple piece of code:
    doc = Hpricot(open("mf-graph.svg"))"//circle").each do |node|
       x = (node.attributes["cx"].to_f*100).round.to_f / 100 # I round the nodes to two decimals to reduce the size of the file.
       y = (node.attributes["cy"].to_f*100).round.to_f / 100
       r = (node.attributes["r"].to_f*100).round.to_f / 100
       id = node.attributes["id"]
       puts "#{id}: {x: #{x}, y: #{y}, r: #{r} },"

With the coordinates of the nodes in hand it was easy to rebuild the graph in Raphael. This way I managed to vastly reduce the loading time and make it more cross-browser friendly. Here is the result once again: